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With the recent shift to the Cloud and the sudden change to remote work capabilities, Organization's IT infrastructure has been transformed into more complex IT ecosystems distributed across the Internet, this opens malicious actors the possibility to perform Outside-in Cyberattacks over unattended  assets that may be exploitable and potentially leveraging catastrophic breaches. 

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What is External Attack Surface?  


All your publicly exposed IT-assets across the Internet that can act as an entry level for cyberattacks.


What is External Attack Surface Management?  


EASM is an emerging cybersecurity discipline that involves the continuous discovery, assessment, prioritization and remediation for potential attack vectors over your external surface. The key factor for an effective EASM program is to follow the same approach cybercriminals do.    

A zero-day vulnerability is considered the crown jewel of hacking --Is a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before vendors are aware of it, this opens a window of time for cybercriminals to compromise exposed assets, if your organization does not have an effective EASM process, you will get breached. 

Why EASM is so important?  


Since virtually any publicly exposed asset can be an entry point to a cyberattack, it is critical for organizations to improve attack surface visibility across their IT-ecosystems using the same approach cybercriminals follow. The rise of zero-day vulnerabilities allows an attacker to have a window of time to find vulnerable systems and exploit them before they get patched, legacy security solutions such as Vulnerability Scanners are not effective enough on preventing such attacks, EASM on the other hand is the solution to proactively detect flaws before malicious actors do. 

Shadow IT is a modern concept that involves unknown assets publicly exposed outside of the IT or Infosec departments, with organizations spending 40% of IT funding on cloud-based technologies, it is common to have staging environments without any security controls and proper monitoring, which opens an easy access door for data breaches.  

Why Do Organizations Still Get Breached? 


lack of visibility on attack surface

Organziations have poor visibility over their real External Attack Surface including but not limited to Shadow IT environments.

Lack of prioritization for critical issues

80% of false positives and the 20% that matters goes unattended.  

lack of effective remediation

90 days to remediate critical vulnerabilities, 7 days for cybercriminals to exploit. 

How You Can Get Ahead of Attackers?


Same visibility as attackers

Get full visibility into your External Attack Surface

Know what to do first

Focus on the 20% that matters based on Service Level Agreements.

Remediate faster

Orchestrate and integrate to reduce remediation time from months to weeks

Take control of your Attack Surface Exposure


Breach Monkey is 100% software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivering: 


  • Continuous visibility over your External Attack Surface.

  • Automated assessment of vulnerable assets prone to be exploited.

  • Prioritization of critical issues that need immediate attention. 

  • Comprehensive remediation context based on Service Level Agreements (SLA's).


 In a nutshell --Drastic reduction of you exposure to be compromised. 

The only way to effectively protect your organization against cyberattacks is to incorporate a strong EASM approach, leveraging continuous visibility into your security gaps using the same flow cybercriminals use -- so you can remediate before is too late.

Breach Monkey will perform automated discovery and enumeration of your external attack surface including:  


  • IP spaces

  • Shadow IT spaces

  • Subsidiary Networks

  • Exposed Applications

  • Code Repositories


Demo Video


Breach Monkey solves one of the most fundamental business problems in cybersecurity: The need to understand how attackers view your organization, where they are most likely to break in, and how you can efficiently analyze, monitor and eliminate that risk. Take control of your EASM in three simple steps.

Step 1: Request Demo Session

One of our specialized sales agent will showcase our platform and understand your scope based on your environment. 

Step 2: Discover Your Attack Surface

Our platform will automatically start discovering your assets, enumerating exposed services and detecting exploitable instances.

Step 3: Prioritize Targets

In less than 24 hours Breach Monkey will provide your contextual risk exposure and remediation steps based on Service Level Agreements.

Reduce your Cyber Risk Now!

Uncover your true external attack surface with the only EASM platform built by Ethical Hackers. Stay one step ahead of cyber-criminals, hacktivists and nation-state attackers, by seeing your perimeter as they do.

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